Why Is It Far More Difficult to Drive a Commercial Truck Than an Ordinary Car?

The size and weight of commercial trucks make them more challenging from a driving perspective, which is why it usually takes more training and skills to become an HR driver. Commercial trucks not only have stronger brakes, more power and slower steering but also demand more attention, focus and patience from drivers. So, what do you need to know if you're considering a career in this sector?

Enhanced Dimensions

One of the main reasons why driving a commercial truck is challenging is that trucks are much larger than cars. With this kind of weight, commercial trucks have more potential to cause severe accidents if mishandled. For instance, it's harder to stop a commercial truck when it is moving at high speed than an ordinary car due to its massive size. And when a commercial truck collides with an average vehicle, its weight and size can cause more severe injuries to the passengers of the other vehicle.


Commercial trucks need more space on the road to turn, change lanes and park than regular cars. Due to the truck's length, drivers must ensure the rear wheels will not hit the curb or any obstacles before making any turns. Their slower steering also makes it hard to avoid obstacles or swerve quickly to avoid a potential accident. Similarly, it is difficult to back up in a commercial truck, and it usually requires more time and attention to do it correctly.


HR trucks have larger blind spots in all directions due to their driving height and length. This can often result in accidents where other drivers get caught in unsafe areas that the truck driver cannot see by using mirrors. The blind spot on the right side of a commercial truck, for instance, can be as large as several lanes.

Specialised Driving Skills

You can receive a driver's license to operate an average vehicle within a few months, but obtaining a commercial driver's license can take much longer. Commercial truck drivers are required to have specific training, knowledge and experience to secure their license. They must also comply with strict state and federal regulations to ensure safety on the road. This is why the failure rate of obtaining a commercial driver's license is higher than obtaining a regular driver's license.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, driving a commercial truck is more challenging than driving an ordinary car. Commercial trucks are bigger, require more space to manoeuvre, have larger blind spots, demand more specialised driving skills and call for more focus, attention and patience. So, if you intend to get an HR license, ensure that you sign up with an approved and experienced driving school so that you can go through the process and achieve your objective. 

For more information about an HR licence, contact a local company. 
